Thursday, June 21, 2012

Condemned to choose

A billboard promoting peace in Kotido District in Uganda
© Khristopher Carlson/IRIN

Physical violence, psychological violence, gender violence, child abuse, tribal violence, sectarian violence, financial violence, terrorist violence, police violence, gun violence, torture, gang violence, violence in sport, sexual abuse, human trafficking, violence against environment, against biodiversity, slavery, poverty, hunger ...

How many forms of violence surrounding us in this global world in which co-exist 7,000 million human beings?
Is it possible a peaceful world?

Without doubt, the answer to this question is no.

So what hope is there? What do we leave to future generations? A world doomed to self-destruction?

Resign ourselves to this fate raises an existence doomed to slavery rather than freedom. For if as J.P. Sartre said, "human being is condemned to freedom", only hope, and a change in individual attitude can correct this fatal fate. To the extent that we are condemned to choose, let non-violence be our choice.

Let us think that peace is not an end in itself, but an attitude towards life. An attitude of intolerance to violence and abuse, and compassion for those who suffer.

Peace as an objective and as an attitude to life. Hope as a driving force. Through multiculturalism toward non-violence.