Saturday, November 17, 2012

The betrayal of the branches


Margaret Bourke-White—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images

The three traditional branches of the State: legislative, executive and judicial.
The fourth estate: media
The fifth, sixth power ...

Checks and balances in essence formulated to protect man from other men and men themselves from the State.
But when the three traditional branches of government are being pierced transversely by the global economic power, who protects men from the greed of the markets?

The traditional powers and the major media have betrayed society. Deliberately, giving way to economic powers in their global advance. Allowing social and ecological injustice. Increasing the gap between rich and poor. Connivance of powers.

Power - Counterpower.
Action - Reaction.
Connivance - RESISTANCE!!

When economic powers have upset the balance in their ultra-neoliberal and globalizing strategy, only the people will be able to become the counterpower to recover or achieve rights and freedoms.

It's not to aspire to the recovery of hackneyed welfare state of the European democracies, but to proclaim and demand social and ecological justice for all peoples of the world. A new economic, political and social model based on solidarity, culture and multiculturalism, on degrowth that returns the balance between human being and nature, and between humans themselves.

"Lupus est homo homini, non homo, quom qualis sit non novit."
(One man to another is a wolf, not a man, when he doesn't know what sort he is)
Plauto (254 b.c. -184 b.c.)

"Homo homini lupus"
(Man is a wolf to man)
Thomas Hobbes (1588 - 1679)

"Capitalism is a wolf to human being and nature."


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