Thursday, March 28, 2013

A life of Passion

The invulnerability of the inhabitants of the wealthiest and developed world isolates them from an innocuous present, disconnects them from an irrelevant past and makes them live concerned solely about a future as distant as nonexistent.

Cities of individuals, consumerist leisure, alienating technology, life without passion, life by obligation.

The dispossessed, by contrast, they live with Passion. The necessary to overcome their painful past, and to face a present without future. Survival by obligation.

When it is easier to die than to live, life turns into struggle and only the present exists.

Compassion is useless if not accompanied by passion. The passion to help. The passion to change this reality so unfair and unequal. The passion to stand up for for the belief that another world is possible.

Living the passionate life of the dispossessed ones without opportunities nor future. Filling with passion and compassion the existential void that occupies the material wealth of the rich inhabitants of the developed world.

Transferring passion in exchange for opportunities for a more caring world.

Duino elegies
"Each vague turn of the world has such disinherited ones,
to whom the former does not, and the next does not yet, belong."

"Who has turned us round like this, so that,
whatever we do, we always have the aspect
of one who leaves? Just as they
will turn, stop, linger, for one last time,
on the last hill, that shows them all their valley - ,
so we live, and are always taking leave."
Rainer María Rilke (Prague, 1875 - Switzerland, 1926)

What would you do if today were the last day of your life?  
Leave your comment or use the hashtag #IfTodayWereMyLastDay


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